Cigar lounge

Welcome to

Pod Papugami

Pod Papugami is not just a meeting place for lovers of excellent coffee and a great atmosphere, but also a true haven for cigar connoisseurs. Our cigar lounge is a unique corner, a place where one can indulge in the passion of cigar smoking amidst refined luxury and discretion.


Selection of cigars

We offer a rich selection of cigars from the finest plantations around the world, including Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Cuba. Each cigar in our collection has been carefully chosen to ensure exceptional taste and aroma experiences. Our experienced cigar sommeliers are happy to advise on selecting the perfect cigar tailored to the individual preferences of every guest, whether they are a seasoned Aficionado or someone new to the world of cigars and cigarillos.


Selections of cigar

We offer a rich selection of cigars from the finest plantations around the world, including Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Cuba. Each cigar in our collection has been carefully chosen to ensure exceptional taste and aroma experiences. Our experienced cigar sommeliers are happy to advise on selecting the perfect cigar tailored to the individual preferences of every guest, whether they are a seasoned Aficionado or someone new to the world of cigars and cigarillos.

The decor at

Pod Papugami

In our cigar lounge, we prioritize comfort and privacy. The elegant interior features comfortable Chesterfield sofas, adjustable air conditioning, and a professional ventilation system, ensuring maximum enjoyment during tastings. Additionally, for enthusiasts who enjoy pairing cigars with alcohol, we offer a wide selection of exclusive spirits that complement our cigars, enhancing their unique character.




Pod Papugami

Welcome to visit our cigar lounge, where tradition meets luxury and a passion for cigars brings together people with refined tastes. Discover with us the world of exceptional cigars and enjoy unforgettable moments.

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